You can make a difference

Every cent that you donate goes directly towards transforming lives and to building a future in the freedom of recovery for thousands of individuals and their families.

Your donation, their transformation - change lives today!
About us
Grace church facilitation training

Your generous support enables us to continue our life-changing work.

Choose from the following donation options to make a difference today
“I used to have no hope for the future. Now I am leading a fulfilling life in recovery, thanks to Project Exodus.”
Sihle Dlamnini
“Today I am three years sober, thanks to Project Exodus’s  unwavering assistance.”
Blake Harris
“The support of Project Exodus empowered me to access treatment, therapy, and support groups.”
Lola Makhosi
Your support matters. Join us in making a difference today.

Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about the donations process
Is my donation secure?
Absolutely. We prioritise the security and privacy of our donors. We use industry-standard encryption technology to ensure that your personal information and payment details are protected.
How can I make a donation?
To make a donation, simply click on one of the options on this page. It will lead you to a secure link where you can enter your donation amount and payment information.
Can I make a recurring monthly donation?
Yes! We offer the option to set up a recurring monthly donation to provide sustained support for our addiction and supporter recovery programs. Simply select the "Monthly Recurring" option, and choose your desired donation amount..
Will I receive a receipt for my donation?
Yes, the receipt will be sent to the email address you provide during the donation process. Please keep this receipt for your records.
How will my donation be used?
Your donation will directly support our addiction and supporter recovery strategies, which include:
  • Development of innovative programmes and essential recovery resources
  • Development of mobile applications and online platforms to improve the accessibility of recovery services
  • Establishment of recovery groups across diverse communities
  • Launching of accessible outpatient programmes in as many locations as possible
  • Training of individuals, churches, and organisations in addiction awareness, recovery processes, and group facilitation skills
  • Certification of professional recovery coaches
Can I cancel or modify my recurring donation?
Yes, you can modify or cancel your recurring donation at any time. Simply contact us with your request, and we will assist you accordingly.
Group of 3 small self portrait photos
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Please chat to our friendly team.
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